Saturday, February 23, 2008

Birthday Party

Selah and I (MM) were able to go to a birthday party this afternoon for a little girl who turned four....we both had a lot of fun, and I got some adorable pictures of Selah enjoying the party!

The Birthday girl!

I've never seen anything like this before, but these were so good and very impressive just to look at..strawberry marshmallows, chocolate icing, and lots of sprinkles....easy enough that even I could make them :)

Sooo cute! The party was during her naptime so I think she was trying to rest a little while waiting for her pizza

Not sure what in the world she's doing here, but it's still cute

All done....check out her face...she enjoyed every bite of the sweets!

Friday, February 22, 2008


Selah and Iliana are doubt! Check these pictures out....they are both laughing so hard although in one picture it looks like Iliana is crying...oh yeah..and see if you can see what Selah's "agenda" was in these pictures (hint: look where her feet are in every pic)

Mission Accomplished :)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

STOP!!! No More Pictures!!!

Toddler class

For the last year Selah and I have participated in a toddler class every Tuesday morning. Not only does Selah have a great time, but she also learns how to incorporate exercise into having fun. They get to play with exercise balls, do obstacle courses, sing songs with motions, play with parachutes, and some other exciting stuff. Here's some pictures of a typical morning at the toddler class.

Running around...what toddler doesn't love this?!

They were singing a song about Beanie Babies doing the Beanie Baby Dance...the song tells you where to put your beanie baby on your body....of course this was the time it was saying to put it on your head....I couldn't believe Selah did that and then stood there for about 2 minutes before she took it off!

Selah giving me a smile at the end of class...I think she had a good time! :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Pigtails......she can finally wear them! And she's adorable!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

A Fun Sunday!

Snack before church

Before Eddie, Selah, and I left for SC we went to church with my family and then out to lunch...and then said good-bye...we also got to see Nana, Eddie's mom, but with the wind blowing so hard no one was in the mood for a picture :)

Grandma, Selah, and Grandpa

Wissa and Selah

Selah and Grandpa (she did have shoes on but as usual she took them off...along with her hairbow)

The circus!

Ever since I have been little I have LOVED the circus! Eddie and I have gone several times since we've been married even before Selah was born....I have to admit we felt a little funny going to the circus childless but we always had a great time!

So...this past week-end we took Selah to her first just happened to fall on the week-end we were celebrating my sister's birthday so we traveled up to NC and my dad, sister, Eddie, Selah, and I went to the circus!

"Wissa" and Selah

Mommy and Selah

$12?!?! I don't think so!

Wissa, Selah, and Grandpa

Monday, February 4, 2008


Selah dressed up in her Colts outfit...hey they almost made it! :)

Last night some of our good friends invited us over for a night of great food and football. We gladly accepted! We all had a blast, but I have to admit two things....I ate WAY too much and yes, I have to admit, I watched only about two seconds of the game. That is not usual for me, because I love football, but ever since the Colts were knocked out of it, I just haven't been that interested in this Superbowl. I am thrilled that the Giants won though!!!! That is awesome!

Selah and Colten hanging out...Selah LOVES Colten...he makes her laugh a lot

Selah, Eddie, and our friends' dog Maggie who Selah is crazy about!

Our friend Jennifer watching Selah hug Maggie...awww! (oops...I cut out Brian...sorry Brian)

Brian and Eddie....they've been friends since high school...don't they kind of look alike?


Right before walking out the door for church yesterday, Selah slammed her head on the corner of the wall. Not good. It scared all of us...especially Selah rightfully so. She did some damage to the wall and a little to her forehead. Although not deep ,Selah now has about a 1/2 " vertical gash on her head. We called the doctor to get the run down on all we needed to do for her. Thankfully she didn't need stitches bu we did have to watch her very closely yesterday as well as wake her up twice last night to make sure she was ok. Today she's acting like herself, but the accident earned her a big band-aid on her head for the next few days.

Selah is NOT a big fan of band-aids

She hit the corner so hard that she knocked off some of the dry wall!!

Daddy's girl

Selah is definitely a daddy's girl.....she loves to follow him around the house and do everything he's adorable. Eddie is such an incredible daddy, and I'm so excited that Selah and him will always have this special relationship my opinion a girl's relationship with her daddy is one of the most important relationships she will ever have.

I couldn't resist adding this one in....too cute!