Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Internet is!

Hey guys....sorry I haven't up-dated in awhile, but our Internet at home has been on the blink and I'm not sure when (or if) it will be returning. Hopefully it will soon, because I'm going through blogging withdrawal...if there is such a thing....can anyone else relate? :)'s driving me crazy that I can't post new pics....I'm on a computer where I can't download anything so no help there. Anyway to you faithful readers...we will be back soon...I'm just not quite sure when. Keep checking back...

Friday, June 8, 2007

Learning to walk

It's unbelievable how close Selah is to walking....a year ago Eddie and I were just getting ready to welcome "Baby Smith" into the, time has flown. Selah loves to walk around as long as she's holding on to something or someone. In the pics I'm posting she's playing with a little car that Eddie and I got her for an early birthday present...she didn't have anything like this before, so we decided to go ahead and give it to her. Anyway...she won't really understand the whole birthday thing this year anyhow... So...she has been walking so much more since she got this new toy....we'll definitely have to look for more like it in the future...she absolutely loves it, and she's a lot more confident in standing and pushing it around. Now we just wait for her to take her first steps by herself.....she'll do it when she's ready...and mom and dad will enjoy a few more days of her crawling. I've been told that once she walks, it's all WILL change! :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Four Incredible Years!!!

I'm sorry that I haven't posted in over a week, but Eddie, Selah, and I were in NC for a few days....Selah stayed with her grandma and grandpa while Eddie and I celebrated our anniversary....we all had a great time!

Eddie and I decided that we wanted to celebrate by going to Carowinds for a day.....I (MM) hadn't been able to ride the roller coasters in a LONG time, and I was more than ready to get back on them! Eddie and I had a great time......Top Gun is definitely my favorite although Eddie said that the Borg is the best....we decided that Drop Zone plays a close second! After Carowinds we made our way to the Cheesecake Factory....for those who know us best you know that that is our all-time favorite place in the world! We had been saving a gift card for a long time from some great friends of ours (you know who you are....Thank you SOOO much!) and decided to use it for our anniversary. The food was amazing as always...and of course we had to have cheesecake at the end. It seems wrong to go there and NOT have know what I mean?! :) Anyway....we stayed downtown and the next morning I tried to sleep-in...notice I said "tried." After 11 months of getting up early with Selah, I think my body had forgotten how to sleep past 8.....has anyone else discovered this by chance? :) Eddie and I had a great time, but we were super glad to pick Selah back up....she was definitely missed although she had a SUPER time hanging out with my mom, dad, and sister.....thank you guys so much for keeping her.....we know she was spoiled a ton! :)

I also want to add that I am so thankful for such an incredible husband......I love and respect him sooo much, and he continually sharpens me in my relationship with Christ....the last four years have been wonderful, and I'm so glad that I get to spend life with him!!! Thank you Eddie for being the best!!! I love you SOOOOOOOO much! here's some pictures for those who have been waiting quite awhile....

This was taken the night we got to NC....Selah is showing off her jammies to all of us

Eddie took this pic right before he and I left Selah.......she was so content to swing with her grandma

Eddie and I had just seen a Three-D film at Carowinds...the glasses give that away for sure!

Eddie and I at the Cheesecake was SOOO good!

This is right after we picked Selah back up.......her GG (great-grandmother) is putting her to sleep

Selah's Nana and Pop-Pop kept our dogs for us, so we got to stop by and visit them....this is Selah's Pop-Pop introducing her to the world of mechanics :)

Selah was exhausted after being spoiled by lots of family...she was ready to sleep all the way home.....the giraffe that she's holding is what she sleeps with every cute!